DrGriswald's FFXIV Characters

Welcome! Check out the character profiles below!

" A good book has no ending."

Soleil "Sol" Callisto

Age : 25
height : 4' 10"
Descriptors : Curious , Quiet , Intuitive
With a diminutive stature that makes him easy to miss, Soleil's quiet disposition lends itself to his ability to blend in with the scenery.While some of his nature could be attributed to shyness, Soleil takes great care to listen to those around him, speaking only once he feels he has a well-rounded understanding for the subject in question.
He spends much of his time in archives and libraries, indiscriminately soaking up knowledge for naught but the sake of knowing.


- Soleil can be found just about anywhere (within reason) that there happen to be books! Curious about what he's reading? Ask him!-Soleil is a fledgling cartographer! Need a map? He can help!-As a non-combatant, Soleil often times finds himself in need of Seasoned Adventurers to help him stay safe on his journeys! If you have the ability to act as a guide or bodyguard, he's in the market for your services!

"Keep going! You can do it! "


Age : 88
Height: 6'5"
Race: Viera (Veena)
Descriptors : Confident , Energetic , Kind, Charming
A dependable and lively man, Indigo never fails to show up when he's needed. He adores and cherishes children, and his love of people is just as strong. Indigo is very proud of his family, and isn't afraid to show it by way of the countless pictures and stories he has to share with anyone bold enough to ask about them.
A retired pro-wrestler and adventurer, the veena now spends his time working as a Chiropractor, using his bone breaking skills for good. He intends to one day open a daycare for adventuring parents, so that they need not worry about their children as they head off to make ends meet.


- Is your spine a hot mess? Do you spend long hours crouched over a desk, or lift with your shoulders instead of your legs? Look no further, this brolic bunny rabbit is here to help! You don’t even have to say anything, Indigo will spot your Scoliosis from yalms away and come running!-Are you visiting Sharlayan? He often spends his lunch breaks with friends at the Last Stand; come share a meal!-In Ishgard or Limsa? Indigo often visits friends in other city states to help with errands! Did he accidentally bump into you? Let him help you back up!-Do you perhaps recognize the vaunted "Indigo Star" from his glory days as a Pro-Wrestler? Do you want to see if he's still got what it takes? Come find out!

"Wanna see me do a backflip?"

Palace Viotto

Age : 19
Race : Miqo'te
Height : 5' 6"
Descriptors : Eccentric , Willful , Considerate , Crude
Palace sticks out like a sore thumb in Old Sharlayan, blazing his own path in a manner entirely unlike any of his peers. Originally from Limsa and a far more open-minded culture, his affectionate mannerisms are ill-recived in the strict and scholastic realm of the studium. Despite his crude mannerisms, he is a student gifted with a penchant for alchemics and draught creation, and was brought to Sharlayan by the recommendation of a well known Mage and his own elder cousin, Saboor Viotto. Palace retains a positive outlook on the surface, but in the wake of a difficult upbringing and the uncertainty of the future, he yet struggles to find his place within society.(Palace is currently enjoying the benefits of a sponsorship program that enables him to study in Old Sharlayan. You'll find him there, concocting strange potions and gleefully harassing the other scholars.)


-Studying in Sharlayan? So is Palace! You're bound to hear chatter of his latest blunder, and if you're (un)lucky, you'll be apart of the next one.-Do you like tattoos? So does Palace! If you practice the art, or have some of your own, Palace may approach you to ask about them!-Are you from Limsa Lominsa? Palace was raised there! His platinum hair is hard to miss, and if you recognize him, he'll be glad to chat up a familiar face. He goes back to the port city between semesters to visit his elder brother and friends!- Trigger Warning!!! Narcotics
||Palace is a recovering Somnus addict; He smokes fogweed frequently to help manage the craving. If you smoke fogweed, or happen to know someone who sells, Palace is keenly interested. ||

OOC : DrGriswald

Hello! I'm DrGriswald (+21// They/them)! I love Final Fantasy, Castlevania, and Silent Hill! I also enjoy reading and drinking tea. I'm also freelance artist! This is my ffxiv character carrd; you can find my business information @ https://drgriswald.carrd.co/ !My Timezone is EST! I'm free most afternoons after 3pm.As far as Roleplay ettiquette goes:-Please keep IC and OOC seperate! I love my characters and would love for you to love them too, but their actions are not synonymous with my own.- I'll gladly rp darker themes, but only with clear discussion before hand! Rp should be fun, and its important to ensure everyone involved is comfortable.-Nothing under-aged, please. This should be self explanatory. I'm not interested in my characters interacting with minors.

Want to see even MORE of my characters? Check out my google doc sheet Here! There are a bunch of characters I rp explicitly through Discord!